Hello 'dere.
Today I am just sitting around at 8 AM, drinking pickle juice from the jar, and looking at my pictures from yet another exciting, fun-filled holiday weekend!
Man, I am a lucky girl. My school friend Micia has been telling me to ask for/open myself up to the positive energy of the universe (or something like that), and I have been, for like tests and stuff, but I think it's starting to seep into other parts of my life, because things are good!
Want a run-down? Ok.
So, a week ago, I finished my semester and went on a small vacation-- a cruise, if you will-- with about ten other girls (one of whom was my hot hot sister). It was just for one evening, but it was TOPS, homie! We went out to Tramici, an Italian restaurant here on the island, and then to watch the bluegrass band in Darien! We flirted with everybody and took pictures, and we were all dressed up in our cute dresses! It was so super-fun! Here:
Yes... as you can see, we were having a BLAST.
(I am going to get so sick from this pickle juice, I think! Yikes!)
(I got my comic book back—thanks!)
THEN! I reconnected with my friend Karla, who is just as beautiful as ever, and just the other day obtained an apartment right down the street from me! So we can hang out! All the time! Yay for single divorcee-chicks!
WHICH takes me to the next topic: my this-past-weekend's trip to Asheville, NC.
Now, I know what you're thinking, and you're probably right, because this was a really big deal: I went up there with the intention of visiting with my ex-husband for the first time since I left from our house two years ago. We have started to become friends again, over the phone and interbutts, and it is, so far, one of the most rewarding relationships I've ever had. The thing makes me feel a way I have never felt. So, he lives in Honolulu, and is in this amazing bluegrass band, The Saloon Pilots (who are, like totally famous in Hawai'i, and who were interviewed for a magazing! recently, and who are constantly on the radio there...). The Saloon Pilots were hired to play a birthday party in Mooresville (new headquarters of Lowe's), and they decided to stop off in Black Mountain/ Asheville for a night or two, giving me and everybody else in the area who remembers Mike Carroll the opportunity to go up and hug his neck! He's awesome. (I wouldn't recommend marrying either of us, however.) I needn't have been nervous, as I was at first. We had a radical time, full of fun and adventure and staying up late, just like always: like the old times that were supposed to have been! Here's the band, playing at the Town Pump:
Actually, banjo player Paul Sato is not in this picture, but I like the close-up of the girl Leslie, who totally rocked out on that fiddle like she was playing against the devil himself (not to be confused with The Devil Himself). There are so many more pics on my Picasa page (link is on the R-hand side of this page…) The band was accommodated at the Monte Vista Hotel, which is a place I had only drank in the basement of, beforehand. Really nice place, though, and "homey." It has that Southern Mountain Charm thing on lockdown.
EVEN BEFORE, though, I saw Michael T. and the S.P.s, I did visit with a wonderful friend of mine, Matt McCoy, of the Mississippi "anti-Hatfield" McCoys, which was almost as big a deal as seeing Mike.
For one thing, I hadn't been in touch with Mr. McCoy in ages, either. Let me just say that if you are looking for a person who will always have your back and be down for whatever, just take a left down S. French Broad and keep walking until you get to Matt's house. I don't know how many friends a person needs, but I know Matt can have as many as he wants. Just the sincerest, funnest guy evar. Beautiful and smart, too. Has a Navy nurse girlfriend. Sells ropes. I love it all.
(Pardon the interruption, but the pickle-juice thing is no myth, friends. It will clean you right out. Wow.)
I was so excited, on this trip, that I don't think I ever stopped talking. It was annoying to others, maybe. I just could not stop talking and smiling and laughing and reminiscing. I actually cried from joy at the end of the trip—seriously!
Other things that have happened in the past seven days: saw Anna—rare! Wonderful! She looks great, and is great, and that makes me so happy. She came over and visited my dirty house last week, and lied to me and said it was nice, so that's nice… J
Also, a most auspicious event is about to occur… Probably right now my brother is taking his final exams before graduating from the College of Charleston!!! I am so proud of him for slugging it through! Way to go, Kiddo! College grad! I can't believe it's finally over! (All right: I'll save the rest for the back of teh yearbookz). I am proud of you, though. Totally.
Ok! Looks like it's all tied up in a neat little package.
Oh! One more thing—I came home, and I don't have a roommate anymore! My second favorite roommate ever was kind enough to allow me back my privacy for this school stuff and everything. So, O.D., you can start coming back and hanging out, 'cause you can smoke in here again. Sam, thanks for making it so easy. You rule.
Ok—that's really it. Thanks for reading.